Git CheatSheet

This article will give you basic understanding of git commands

Git CheatSheet

Difference between Git and Github?

Git:- Git is an version control tool

Github:- Somewhat Github is a web-based web hosting web service


Download git from Git

git config

configuring user information used in all local repositories

git config --global[firstname lastname]

git init

git init is used to initialize the git in our project it generates a folder with the name .git which stores all the information about the git stage and commits

git remote

git remote -v is used to get remote access for the Github repository

git status

git status is used to check the status of our project, it helps us to track the stage/unstaged file/folder in the project

git add

git add filename is used to add a particular file to stage and then to commit it in our Github repository

another way

git add . is used to add all the unstaged files to the stage so that we can commit them all at once

git commit

is used to commit all the staged files and folders

another way

git commit -am "message" is used to stage and commit in single command

git log

git log is used to check all the logs meaning it helps us to track all the commits by showing the history of the commit done in the project, it shows details like commit hash, time, date as well as the message with the commit

git rm -cached

git rm -cached is used to unstaged all the stage files and folders meaning it helps us with removing all the files and folders from the stage

another way

git rm -cached filename is used to remove a particular file from the stage

git branch

git branch branch name it is use to create a new branch in our Github repository

git checkout

git checkout branch name it is uses to change / switch from one branch to another

git push

git push -u origin master is used to push the commit to master branch

another way

git push origin branch name is used to push from origin to a banch

git merge

git merge -am "message" is used to merge from one branch to other branch for Example ( main to master )

git reset

git reset -hard origin/master is used to reset to last push commit

git pull

git pull is used to pull the files and folder from remote repository to local